Monday 9 May 2011

Laboratory Test

Pure Oil, Mixed, & Used Oil
Visual Comparison
  • 1st glass from left is new pure  Wonder Lube oil
  • 2nd glass from left is new regular engine oil
  • 3rd glass is 4,500 kms. used oil with  Wonder Lube
  • 4th glass is 4,500 kms. used oil without Wonder lube
  • Conclusion, engine oil with Wonder Lube can still be used 2 to 3 times longer than without as presented.

Visual Comparison
With and without  Wonder Lube
  • 1st glass from left is used oil (4,500 kms. run) with  Wonder
  • 2nd glass is used oil (4,500 kms run) with regular engine oil
  • As you can see, the color and viscosity as shown in the first glass is still serviceable.
  • The 2nd glass viscosity and color indicated a fully spent oil.

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